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Top Five Tips for Crafting With Children

Top Five Tips for Crafting With Children

With summer right around the corner and school almost out, it's time to figure out some activities to keep the littles busy. May I recommend crafting? It's one of my favorite activities to do with children and keeps them occupied for hours. Not only that, but it allows little minds to explore their creative side and increases happiness!

One of our favorite kids' crafting products is Mod Podge Wash Out for Kids. It works the same as classic Mod Podge (glue, sealer, finish) but also has a very special feature: it comes right out of clothing when you wash it. Make sure you include it in any crafting session with your little people. Now check out my top five tips for crafting with children below!

1. Make sure your kids are wearing the right clothes. Murphy's Law says that if you put your child in their (or your) favorite shirt, it's going to get ruined. Have kids wear old t-shirts or dress shirts, or even smocks if you want to get really fancy. I know a lot of moms who put their children in oversized t-shirts and underwear only. Then they place them directly into the bath right after crafting time! 

2.  Be patient — don't try to control. This may be the first time that your child has ever used an art supply or tool. If they ask, show they how to use it. Otherwise, let them try first. Encourage and don't take over. Mixing blue glitter and black paint might be “weird” in the adult world, but it's okay for kids. 

3.  Make sure you have the right craft supplies. Look for paints and glues that are washable from children's skin and clothes. Don't allow your little ones to use anything toxic — read the ingredients carefully to make sure that the supplies are completely safe. Mod Podge Wash Out for Kids is an example of a supply you’ll always want to have on hand. It’s non-toxic and as I mentioned earlier, it comes out of clothing and other fabric surfaces easily (winning!).

4.  Be present — no electronics. Your iPhone is important, but your children are more important. Set the phone aside for an hour or two so that you can fully engage with the kids. It will be a special time for you and them, and it's easier to interact if you aren't trying to text and answer e-mails while you are crafting. 

5.  Prepare your children for the end. Kids love creating so much that they probably aren't going to want to stop. When the end gets near, give them a warning like "15 minutes until cleanup time." Let them know at regular intervals when the fun is going to end — then they won't be upset that you sprung it on them.

Crafting with children is such a joy, and something you'll want to do again and again. If you are in need of some summer craft ideas from our site, go here. Also let me know in the comments: what are your favorite tips for crafting with kids?

Posted: 5/31/2016 6:05:00 AM by LEAP | with 0 comments
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